Moving Stevens Point Forward

Moving Stevens Point Forward is a podcast focused on the community of Stevens Point and Central Wisconsin.  Your Host, John Jaeger, will discuss the amenities, community events, businesses, and groups that make central Wisconsin unique.  Thanks for listening and be sure to spread the word about our podcast.

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Point Perspective's Featured Blog Posts

Getting Off the Merry–Go-Round: Treating Dizziness

The feeling of dizziness can be absolutely awful. Most of us have been there, where we turn too fast and get a sudden moment of dizziness and feeling off balance and it typically goes away as fast as it came on. What happens when.

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Getting Off the Merry–Go-Round: Treating Dizziness

The feeling of dizziness can be absolutely awful. Most of us have been there, where we turn too fast and get a sudden moment of dizziness and feeling off balance and it typically goes away as fast as...

I have knee arthritis, can I still run?

The short, simple answer is yes, but read on to find out how to make it successful. When people say they have knee “arthritis”, they typically mean osteoarthritis (OA). This is commonly thought of as...

Balance and Fall Risk

Now that March is here, we are nearing the end of our slippery season in Wisconsin and we are all starting to get the itch to get outside a little more. For some people, the thought of going outside...

Help I Have Shoulder Pain! Now what?

Second only to low back pain, shoulder pain is the most common ailment we see in an outpatient physical therapy practice. If you have this, you are not alone! It is common among all age groups and...